First South African arrest in Mirror Trading International case.
An alleged net beneficiary of Mirror Trading International has been arrested after failing to appear before a Section 417/418 enquiry...

MTI Claims
ONLINE CLAIM PROCESS 1. Go to 2. Click on the BLUE password reset button. 3. Enter your MTI User ID or your MTI...
Mirror Trading International (Pty) Ltd in Liquidation MTI PLEASE NOTE: The website and data that follows is a recreation of the MTI Backoffice provided by the...
Johann Steynberg CEO of Mirror Trading International (MTI) arrested in Brazil.
Johann Steynberg, the CEO of Mirror Trading International was arrested in Brazil after the special military police unit called Giro...
Mathematical proof Ponzi, pyramid schemes will fail #Ponzi #PonziScheme #PyramidScheme #pyramidschemes...
MTI Back Office - Claim
Attention: All members of Mirror Trading International (In Liquidation) In furtherance of assisting creditors to validate their...
MTI Aka Mirror Trading International MTI in Liquidation
Good Day Please visit and download Claim Forms and updates. Please email to...
Mirror Trading International (Pty) Ltd - Liquidation - Claim Process
Mirror Trading International (Pty) Ltd - Liquidation Claim Process for Investors Mirror Trading...
Mirror Trading International (Pty) Ltd - Liquidation Claim Process & Account Verification.
Mirror Trading International (Pty) Ltd - Liquidation Claim Process & Account Verification Mirror...