Liquidation Options and Process South Africa 2022
When a company/close corporation undergoes a voluntary or compulsory liquidation (also known as the “winding – up” of a company/close...
FSCA agrees to waive R50m admin penalty on MTI
FSCA agrees to waive R50m admin penalty on MTI But reserves the right to impose penalties on individuals involved in what was rated the...
First South African arrest in Mirror Trading International case.
An alleged net beneficiary of Mirror Trading International has been arrested after failing to appear before a Section 417/418 enquiry...
Beware of scammers promising to recover MTI bitcoin, say Liquidators
Beware of scammers promising to recover MTI bitcoin, say Liquidators.
The businesses hardest hit by liquidations in South Africa right now
The businesses hardest hit by liquidations in South Africa right now
The Company Liquidation Process South Africa Ways to Liquidate a Company or Close Corporation
The Company Liquidation Process South Africa
Provisional Liquidation of MTI - Mirror Trading International (Pty) Ltd - R9 Billion Bitcoin Scam
MTI aka Mirror Trading Investment (Pty) Ltd LIQUIDATION UPDATE ❗❗ Dear Investors of MTI aka Mirror Trading International (Pty) Ltd MTI...