Event for Insol Future Leaders Prgram Africa
Thanks to #BDO and #INSOL and #SARIPA for a wonderful event last night at the Insol Future Leaders event and program. Inreting and like...
Liquidation Options and Process South Africa 2022
When a company/close corporation undergoes a voluntary or compulsory liquidation (also known as the “winding – up” of a company/close...
Businesses Liquidations up.
Over 1,400 South African businesses have been liquidated in 2022 so far, with 170 more recorded in September, data from Statistics South...
SARS is coming after these taxpayers in South Africa Contact us before it is to late! “It is important to remember that a third-party...
MTI Claims
ONLINE CLAIM PROCESS 1. Go to https://mticlaims.co.za/ 2. Click on the BLUE password reset button. 3. Enter your MTI User ID or your MTI...
Mirror Trading International (Pty) Ltd in Liquidation also know as MTI
www.mticlaims.co.za - To lodge a Claim and gain access to Back Office of MTI, chat option is available Send any queries to...
Mirror Trading International (Pty) Ltd in Liquidation MTI
https://live.mticlaims.co.za/ PLEASE NOTE: The website and data that follows is a recreation of the MTI Backoffice provided by the...
Johann Steynberg CEO of Mirror Trading International (MTI) arrested in Brazil.
Johann Steynberg, the CEO of Mirror Trading International was arrested in Brazil after the special military police unit called Giro...
Mathematical proof Ponzi, pyramid schemes will fail
https://www.news24.com/Fin24/mathematic-proof-ponzi-pyramid-schemes-will-fail-20160530 #Ponzi #PonziScheme #PyramidScheme #pyramidschemes...
MTI Back Office - Claim www.mticlaims.co.za
Attention: All members of Mirror Trading International (In Liquidation) In furtherance of assisting creditors to validate their...